Levelfield Broadcast Blog
Tip: Enhance your blog and websites. Add your photographs
Why do you need a mobile website?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, the list goes on. Everyday it seems there is a new outlet for online media. Mobile websites are part of the digital age and having one provides yet another access point for your customers to find you. There are different schools of thought as to what makes a good mobile site:
Should it be a full version of your desktop site in a scaled down format?
Should it be a synopsis of your business to provide mobile users with a peek of your business?
What features does a mobile website need to have?
These are all good questions and only you can answer then for your business. Levelfield and Online Agency have taken the approach that a mobile website should let a visitor know about your business and the services it provides and allow potential customers to contact you about your business. Cultivating potential customers is the main focus of any website and your mobile site should be able to do just that.
Levelfield and Online Agency are providing our customers with a Mobile Website Solution that covers these basics fundamentals. If you are interested in adding a mobile website your site contact us today to get started.Uploading Images, Editing Images
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Uploading Images
There are 2 ways you can upload and insert images into your page:
Using the Image Tokens that appear in the Page Layout or from the content box
Uploading images into the upload directory and inserting them into the body section.
Edit Image
The Image token allows you to add a new image, change an existing image, or remove an image from the page as it relates to the image token.
If there is an existing image it will be displayed in the Preview Area
To select a new images from images that you have already uploaded you can select an image from the list or type in the name in the Type to Find field to find it in the list.
To select one of the OLA Library Images style in the image name or a descriptive term to see if there is a match.
Select From a preset width from the Width Drop Down menu.
Select No Image to remove any images from the image token
In the Style section you can set some specific attributes that relate to this image:
Border width: this sets a border around the image.
Border Color: sets the color of the border
Horizontal Spacing: margin to the right and left of the image
Vertical Spacing: Margin above and below the image
Max Size: Sets the max size for the larges side of the image
Alignment: center, right or left align the image
CSS Class: Create a custom CSS class for manipulating images via css
CSS ID: Create a custom CSS ID for manipulating images via css
The Second way to upload images is through the Upload link in the links bar just under the main navigation tabs in your OLA / Levelfield account.
Click the upload button under the search box to pull up the upload images window
From the upload images you can them upload 10 images. From the Choose File window select time image you want to upload and click the open button:
Once you have uploaded the image it can be used under an existing image token or inserted into the body section using the Insert Edit image button. To use the insert-edit image token you will need to know the url of the image once it has been uploaded. You can get the image url by right clicking on the view link on the right side of the image listing and clicking copy shortcut:
Now in the Body Token click the Insert / Edit image icon and enter the url for the image you want to insert:
"Are travel agents making a comeback?"
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
From CNN's Travel Companion an article by Stephanie Chen posted 8/12/2009, "Are travel agents making a comeback?".
Read it here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/08/12/travel.agent.comeback/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
'I'm Sandals/Beaches Certified, How do I show my Certification on my Website?'
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
"I'm Sandals/Beaches Certified, How do I show my Certification on my Website?"
When you are affiliated and certified by Sandals and Beaches, they provide you their certified logo. Here's how you can add these logos to your website.
1. Start by logging in to your Online Agency account.
2. Enter the email address and the password you chose during registration and click "login".
3. Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", which is your main Online Agency account page.
4. Click on the "Pages of Content" link to go to the editable version of your Home Page.
5. You will find a list of your web pages in your account in the left side and the home page edit mode on the right side. Click on the page where you want to insert the image.
6. On the right side you will find the edit mode of the page and you can find small yellow buttons labeled "Image", "Links", "Body", "Title", etc.
7. If you find an "Image" button already there in the place you want to add an image, click on it and continue from step 12 below. Otherwise, click on the "Body" button in that place.
8. It will take you to Body edit mode, where you will find a Green color button called "Convert" with a title "Content Box". Click on it.
9. It will take you to the edit mode of "Content box" where you can find a drop down list in the bottom with a default selection "Body" along with a "new" button next to it.
10. Click on the drop down button and select "image" from the list and click on the "New" button next to the dropdown. This will create a image box within the content box along with the body already there. Click the "OK" button to save your changes to the content box.
11. Now you can see a Green color box called "Box" and two yellow color button called "Body" and "image" on your web page. Click on the "image" button.
12. It will take you to the "Edit Image" page. You will have an option to select the image from the list area. Click the image name from the list area for the image you want displayed on your page. Finally you can click on the right bottom “save” button. (Or)
If the image is not uploaded in your account, you were not able to find the image name within the displayed list, so you can directly browse and upload the image in the "Edit Image" page. Here you can find the "browse" (Next to image list) link in this page click on that. Then select the image from your computer and click on the "save" button.13. When you click on the save button the image is added to your page.
Once complete you have successfully added your certification on your website!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Look for OnlineAgency on Twitter. Check us out at http://twitter.com/OnlineAgency
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Keywords are what users type when they are looking for a specific topic while using a Search Engine. Selecting the right keywords is critical to the success of your Search Engine optimization process. Your keywords should be closely related to your site and the products and service your Travel Agency offers. Keywords can consist of a single word or a combination of words. We recommend only going after 2 keywords per page for best results.
Before you begin optimizing your site for keywords, it is very important to determine which set of keywords you want to focus on. For instance, there are approximately 13,000 people a day searching for "cruises" but there are also more than 2 million pages competing for that term, so it's very unlikely that you'll ever be in the top ten pages listed in a search result. On the other hand, there are 51 people searching for "all inclusive wedding cruises" a day and 0 pages competing for that specific keyword. Not nearly as many searches are executed for that keyword, but there is a much greater likelihood that you'll be in the top 10 and thus get traffic - 50 people is better than 0.Even though Travel is such a competitive field, it is also one of the most keyword-rich since there are so many people searching for it every day. When choosing your keywords, make a list of specialties, suppliers, destinations, activities, etc. Even ship names for the larger cruise lines are great keywords. The trick to building your keyword set is to find keywords that are searched on enough (25+ a day) to make it worth the optimization effort and unique enough that you can be successful. You also have to have a corresponding page on your site for your keywords. (For example: If you have chosen “Carnival Conquest” as a keyword, you wouldn’t want to optimize your homepage only for the Carnival Conquest unless your entire homepage is dedicated to the Conquest. Instead, make sure you have an actual page for the Carnival Conquest and optimize it against keywords related to that ship and that cruise line.)
How do I build a promotion for a single itinerary?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I build a promotion for a single itinerary?
1. Login to the account using your "USER ID" and "PASSWORD".
2. It will take you to the "DASH BOARD" page, where you can find the link "PROMOTIONS WIZARD".
3. By selecting the "PROMOTIONS WIZARD" link a new "PROMOTIONS WIZARD" window will open. Here you can select the promotion you want to build (e.g.cruises, tours, etc.). Select the Radio button for the "SINGLE PROMOTION" and then select the "NEXT" button.
4. This will take you to the page where you can select the Supplier & Itinerary. Click on the drop down box and select the supplier you want to display.
5. When you've selected the supplier from the drop down box it will show the "ITINERARIES" you may feature in your promotion. Select the "ITINERARY" and then select the "NEXT" button.
6. By clicking the next button you will open the "PROMOTIONS TEASER BOX" where you can add Promotion Name, Description, Image and Schedule Dates for your Promotion to Display. You can also specify whether the promotion should display Only To Travel Agents and you can add a Disclaimer to your promotion. Once you complete editing process for the promotion and then select the "NEXT" button.
7. Now you can see the "DATES & PRICING" page where you can specify the date by clicking the check box. You can also add a "NEW DATE" & "PRICE". For adding a new Date select the dates from the drop down box and for Price use the input box with the dollar symbol and then click the "ADD" button. Once you complete adding Dates and Price select the "NEXT" button.
8. This will take you to the "CONTENT & PREVIEW" page where you can see the information that will be displayed on the Promotions Detail page. You can see the preview of your promotion by clicking on the link provided. Here you can include an image from our library or you can upload your own image. Then select the "NEXT" button.
9. When you've selected the next button it will take you to the "THINGS TO DO" page where you can add applicable attributes for your promotion so it can appear when your site visitors search for content. When you've selected the attributes select the "NEXT" button.
10. This will take you to the "META TAGS" page where you can assign Meta Tags for your promotion. When you've assigned the meta tags then select the "FINISH" button.
11. Go to the "PROMOTIONS CONFIRMATION" page where you can view the features of your promotions.
Supplier Updates...
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I update my website with the newest suppliers to Online Agency?
~Start by logging in to your Online Agency account: http://login.onlineagency.com
~Enter the email address and password you chose during registration and click "login"
~Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", which is your main Online Agency account page.
~Click on the "Suppliers" link at the top of the Page.
~It will take you to the “Your Suppliers” page, here you can find the “Select network content” link, click on it.
~Now you can see the list of Business links. Select the business link in which you want to add the newest suppliers.</p>
~When you click on any business it opens the page with the options to Include the business type and new suppliers on your site. Select the check boxes and click on the Save button.
~The latest suppliers to Online Agency will now automatically be updated on your OLA website!My computer guru told me to update my metatags...
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I Add or Update my websites Metatags???
~Start by logging in to your Online Agency account: Go to http://login.onlineagency.com;
enter the email address and the password you chose during registration and click "login"~Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", which is your main Online Agency account page.
~Click on the "Pages of Content" link to go to the Editable version of your Home Page.
~On the Top of the editable home page click on the Meta Tags yellow button, it will take you to the Edit Meta Tags section.
~Here you can add the Meta title, Description, Keywords and Comments using the respective fields. All of these tags are added to the header of the page helping search engines find your pages. Once you add all the fields please click on the Save button.
Reminder: Clear your site cache for all changes to take effect on your live website.
I have an email database. How do I upload it to my guestbook?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
I have an email database. How do I upload it to my guestbook?
1. Start by logging in to your Online Agency account: Go to http://login.onlineagency.com
2. Enter the email address and the password you chose during registration and click "login".
3. At the top of your Dashboard you can select the link to “Email Marketing".
4. Now you will be on the “Email Marketing Summary” page, on the top you can select “Manage Guests”.
5. It will take you to the “Search Guests” mode, on the top you can select “New”
6. It will take you to the “New Guest” page where you can add the Guest you want to receive or register for your newsletter. There will be several fields to fill in. Fill in the appropriate fields for your new guest.
7. After you add the new guest a confirmation email will be sent to the guest, if he/she confirms that they want to receive your newsletter then you can see the status of the guest.
Add all of your customers to enhance your guestbook!
How do I select specific suppliers in my Online Agency Account?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I select specific suppliers in my Online Agency Account?
You can choose your featured suppliers...-Start by logging in to your Online Agency account: http://login.onlineagency.com
-Enter the email address and password you chose during registration and click "login"
-Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", your main Online Agency account page
-Click on the "Suppliers" link to go to the Editable version of your Home Page
-It will take you to the “Search supplier” box where you can find the suppliers for your account listed in alphabetical order
-If you want to feature a particular supplier you should type the supplier name in the supplier text box. If it is a member please select the Yes or No option provided and also choose a business option where you can associate the particular supplier with either a cruise line, tours or packages etc.
-Click on the green Search button on the right. If the supplier is found within our system then it will be listed below. To include a supplier, select the check box on the right next to the supplier you choose. Click on the include button. Once it the supplier is added to your list you can find a green tick mark next to the supplier in the included column which allows it to appear on your website. The Feature Button allows the supplier to appear on the Top Supplier List.How Do I Add Images To My Site?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How Do I Add Images To My Site?
1. Start by logging in to your Online Agency account.
2. Enter the email address and the password you chose during registration and click "login".
3. Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", which is your main Online Agency account page.
4. Click on the "Pages of Content" link to go to the editable version of your Home Page.
5. You will find a list of your web pages in your account in the left side and the home page edit mode on the right side. Click on the page where you want to insert the image.
6. On the right side you will find the edit mode of the page and you can find small yellow buttons labeled "Image", "Links", "Body", "Title", etc.
7. If you find an "Image" button already there in the place you want to add an image, click on it and continue from step 12 below. Otherwise, click on the "Body" button in that place.
8. It will take you to Body edit mode, where you will find a Green color button called "Convert" with a title "Content Box". Click on it.
9. It will take you to the edit mode of "Content box" where you can find a drop down list in the bottom with a default selection "Body" along with a "new" button next to it.
10. Click on the drop down button and select "image" from the list and click on the "New" button next to the dropdown. This will create a image box within the content box along with the body already there. Click the "OK" button to save your changes to the content box.
11. Now you can see a Green color box called "Box" and two yellow color button called "Body" and "image" on your web page. Click on the "image" button.
12. It will take you to the "Edit Image" page. You will have an option to select the image from the list area. Click the image name from the list area for the image you want displayed on your page. Finally you can click on the right bottom “save” button. (Or)
If the image is not uploaded in your account, you were not able to find the image name within the displayed list, so you can directly browse and upload the image in the "Edit Image" page. Here you can find the "browse" (Next to image list) link in this page click on that. Then select the image from your computer and click on the "save" button.
13. When you click on the save button the image is added to your page.
You have added a new image to your website!How do I create a Blog and add a new post?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I create a Blog and add a new post?
1. Login to your account using your 'User Id' and 'Password'
2. Then click on the 'PAGES OF CONTENT'
3. Now on the Left panel you can see the header called 'NEW PAGE'
4. Below this header you can find the link called 'OTHER'
5. Click on the link (other) to create a new blank page
6. You can see the new blank page is created under the header called 'SITEMAP'
7. Click on the link called 'OTHER', you can see the editable page on the right hand
8. Now click on the 'TITLE' on the editable page and change the name of the page from 'OTHER' to 'BLOG' and then click on the 'SAVE' button at the bottom of the page
9. You can see the page title changes to 'BLOG'
10. Then click on the 'BODY' button, it will take you to the edit page
11. Click on the link 'TEXT EDITOR', now click on the 'CONTENT BOX CONVERT' button
12. It will take you to the 'EDIT CONTENT BOX' page, where you can find the header called 'BLOCK'
13. Under that there will be a drop down menu, click on that then select 'LOG', click on the “NEW” button and at last click on 'OK' button
14. It will take you back to the blog page where you can find the 'LOG' button next to the 'BODY' button
15. Click on the “LOG” button it will take you to the “NEW POST” page
16. Now insert the title of the blog you want to create, in the 'TITLE' field and the texts related to the blog in the 'POST' field
17. If you want to insert images to your blog page then click on the 'IMAGE' button below the post field, then browse and insert the image you want and click on the 'SAVE' button at the bottom of the page
Now you can see your Blog page with your new content!!!How do I add Links to my Website?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Section 1: Login Panel and Dashboard1. Go to: http://login.onlineagency.com. Enter your Email and Password to login to your account.
2. After you've logged in it will take you to Your Dashboard where you can find the link 'Pages of Content' under the 'Your Site' header. Click on the Pages of Content link.
Section 2: Editing Mode of Your Web Page
1. Selecting the 'Pages of Content' link brings you to the Editing Mode of Your Web Page. Here you can find the Header, Navigation (Nav), Body and the Footer sections. You can add Links to all these sections.
Section 3: Adding Links to Header, Navigation (Nav), Body and to the Footer sections
1. Header: To add links to the header section you need to select the yellow 'header' tab. It opens the editing mode of the header.
Here you can find the 'Links' tab, opening this tab allows you to add links, delete, order, or reverse order of links.
To add links in the link box use the Add Extras Toolbox where there is a field to add the links. Here you can insert the number of links you want added to the link box.
2. To add the title of the links use the fields under the Title. To add the URL to these links select the 'Edit image' or 'URL' link on the right side under Edit.
When you click the 'edit image' or 'URL' link it opens the editing mode where you can add:
(a) Link Title
(b) Link Description
(c) Image to the link
(d) URL: This is the page or site that the link will go to
For one of your website pages enter the Page Title in the 'Your Pages' field and click Search. Then select the page from the list of pages in the search results.
For an external link select the link type (usually http://) and then enter the URL in the adjacent field (don’t add the http here).
Click the 'Next' button to continue and then click to complete adding the link.
You can follow the same procedure to add links to other sections of your web page.Weekly Update: How Do I Clean Up My Email Storage?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How Do I Clean Up My Email Storage?
If you use Outlook or Outlook Express you can change the Advanced settings to not leave messages on the server or to remove emails from server when they are deleted. Please check the built in help documentation for your email client for more detailed instructions.
If you are using our Webmail System you can manually delete messages by selecting the check boxes of the emails you'd like to remove and clicking the delete button. Check in all of your email folders to remove unwanted messages (the sent folder is often neglected when cleaning unwanted messages from an email inbox).
Please be sure you click "purge" next to the trash in the Webmail system when you are finished deleting messages to completely remove all excess messages from the system.Learn Something New About Your Website: Weekly
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Introducing a brand new way to learn about your website and Online Agency products - Starting on June 11th, 2008, Online Agency began sending customers a new tip or trick of the week. This weekly email offers new tricks on various aspects of Online Agency websites and how to use them.
Online Agency has always offered premier promotional content for the travel industry, the opportunity to customize a website to match an agency's specifics and the marketing tools to maintain communication with current and future customers. If you don't utilize all of the features of your website these tips and tricks will give you helpful hints on bettering your website for your travel business.
What does Online Agency do for me?
OnlineAgency has always offered you premier promotional content for the travel industry, the opportunity to customize your own website to match your agency's specifics and the marketing tools to maintain communication with your current and future customers.
Content, Content, Content...
OLA provides you with content from major travel suppliers directly to your website with over 35,000 pages of searchable travel brochure content. A built in search engine for your customers and you to find specific travel promotions. Customize the content on your website to feature the destinations or suppliers of your choice.
Sales Management System
Route your customer information requests by email based on destinations or suppliers. The management system included with your Online Agency website allows you to act quickly on quote requests and get your customers the information they need as soon as possible.
Email Your Guests
Colorful HTML newsletters can be automatically emailed with the latest travel promotions to registered guests on your website.
Track Your Performance
With the Online Agency Reporting System you see important statistics about your site visitors, page views, quote requests and email newsletter campaigns.
Hosted vs. Membership Only
Regardless of your Online Agency membership status you receive all of the features listed above. As a hosted member we also host your domain, your website and your email.
Free Online Training Classes, Free Email and Phone Support, Free Online Documentation...
Not Free - Additional Fees Apply
Guest Import, Website Maintenance, Domain Renewal, Customized Designs, Annual Renewals...
Online Agency Releases New Travel Designs for 2008
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Today we released 10 new designs for Travel Sites - Travel 2008. You an see them here. The designs are a part of a much larger and ongonig system upgrade that includes changes to the infrastructure software, programming lanuages, and equipment. You may have noticed that the OnlineAgency/Levelfield system no longer uses Microsoft''s Active Server Pages. The system has been converted so that it runs on Microsoft's ASP.NET. We have seen a significant improvement in the performance of our web servers as a result of the ASP.NET converstion. So much so that our technical folks were very pleasantly surprised by the results. They expected a performance boost but not as much as they ended up getting. They also took time to optimize much of the database code to remove performance bottlenecks.
The design upgrades are not free but you will be moved into the new system with the purchase of a New Look Design Upgrade or Customization Package.
April New Looks!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We've done it again! We've just added 5 new looks to our design group for the month of April. Check them out.
These designs upgrades require a one-time only fee. As an upgrade to your current travel site this is more affordable compared to higher end customization packages. The list price is typically $379 for the upgrade but a new promotion could be available today. Contact us Toll Free 1-866-489-4889 to find out how you can make your website draw more attention to your travel business with a new look.5 More New Looks Added today
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Each month we add several New Look Designs. For March we have added 5 new ones. Check out the designs to see if one of them fits your mood, need and personal taste.
Bright Delight
Water Water Everywhere
Organic GThese designs are an upgrade to your current travel site. The list price is a one time fee of $379 for the upgrade. This is substantially cheaper than our customization packages. However, we have had some great specials which make it a much better deal. Watch your email box or call our sales folks. They will be glad t help you out.
15 New Look Designs Added for January and February 2008
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
So far this year we have created 15 New Look Designs. These designs are an upgrade to your current travel site. The list price is $379 for the upgrade. This is substantially cheaper than our customization packages. However, we have had some great specials which make it a much better deal. Watch your email Inbox for the latest specials. I believe one is going out today
The New Look Designs (and our customization packages) bring you the latest in web standards. We base all the designs on a CSS layout which brings a great deal of flexibility to the design process. Additionally we are using a fantastic javascript library, jQuery, which adds all sorts of animation, effects, and processing capability to your website. Typical uses of jQuery include the use of Tabs, Slide shows, Tickers, and the ability to hide or show various parts of the webpage. As we move forward this year you'll be seeing a lot of the CSS/jQuery combo.
We have also added 3 new OnlineAgency Extras to the growing list of travel agency/agent tools. These are useful prepackaged lists for Places to Go, Things to Do, USA Ports. Some of the New Look Designs have them built into the design but feel free to add them to your website. The OnlineAgency EXTRAS are free and part of your current account. If you haven't used them before or need a little refresher you might want to check the help section.
Check out the 15 new designs. One might be just what you need for your website.
what's up with those search engines?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
For the last 3 years the top three search engines seen by the OnlineAgency (TM) system have been Google, Yahoo, and MSN in that order. However the amount of searches for the 3 companies has changed drastically over the years.
3 years ago in 2005 Google was responsible for 46.14% of the search engine traffic on sites powered by OnlineAgency.com (TM). Yahoo was not far behind with 36.40% of the search requests into the OnlineAgency (TM) system. MSN had 17.44 percent.
Last year in 2006 Google moved up to 61.74 percent of the search engine traffic in the OLA system, Yahoo dropped to 28.63 and MSN dropped to 9.63.
This year, 2007, the top 3 search engines are still Google, Yahoo, and MSN in that order. However 75.30% of the search engine traffic into the Online Agency system was from Google. Yahoo had 21.71% and MSN had 4.99% of the search traffic.
Are there other search engines? AOL, Ask Jeeves, Netscape, Myway, InfoSpace, Alta Vista, Excite all bring in traffic in small percentages ranging from about 2.08% to 0.06% of the overall traffic.search engines phone home......
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Over 283,000 search engine queries brought folks into the OnlineAgency hosted systems over the last 30 days. What percentage of the traffic came to your site? Are you pleased with what you got? If not ask your self what you have done to promote or maintain your website. What have you done to help it stand out. Are you updating your blog? Do you have The Levelfield Broadcast Option? The basic rule is that you have to do something but may be surprised that just a little work can bring a payoff. You'll also find that it's not hard once you get into the swing.
Open letter from your website.
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Open letter from your website.
Hey, I miss you. Where have you been. Don't you love me?
I see some of the other websites in my neighborhod with owners who visit with them frequently. They feed them new great content. Many people crusing the internet come visit to check out the added value on the website that was placed by the site's owners and the valuable content that gives the visitors a reason to keep coming back to the web site.
I don't get any visitors not even from you. The search engines come by frequently and I just shake my head sadly, they shrug and pass me by. I can tell they want to index me but I have nothing for them. Please help me dear site owner. I need some new content from you.
Hey, didn't you go on that trip with your digitial camera. Why don't you share some of your trip with me. I'd love to see the pictures on my pages. It would give me something to brag about to the other web sites. And it wold make me feel so pretty with those colorful photos adorning my pages. I just know that I can help you - just feed me please.
I get jealous when the other sites tell me how many visitors they got today. One of them actually gets a blog post every day from their site owner. I can tell their owner cares for them and is very smart. They always have something new to share on their website. And they always have new people visiting them coming in on the search engines.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you come see me today. I really miss you.
Your web site,
P.S. I have a super duper built in blog that you could use. Wouldn't that be cool? You could come visit me regularly and we could have so much fun. The blog told me that it was very easy to use and would help me get more web visitors. The blog also told me a secret. Your competitors use blogs. That's not good is it? Doesn't that mean they might get more site visitors? The blog also told me that it had something very cool going on next week. I guess that won't matter to me if you don't come visit. Any way bye for now. I'm going to take a nap. Nothing else to do.
Free Site subission to Google, MSN, and Yahoo
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Recently, we told you how to check your website to see if it had been indexed. If you found that you were not indexed by the search engines you may want to submit your name to the big three search engines.
Here are the links for free submission to Yahoo, Google, and MSN. We include these because this is where the lion's share of traffic originates. Note that no search engine guarantees that your website will be included in its search index but as the old saying goes - nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- Submit your website to MSN Search
- http://search.msn.com.sg/docs/submit.aspx
Submit your website to Google- http://www.google.com/addurl/
Submit your website to Yahoo- https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit
- Requires free Registration
Has my website been indexed?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
From time to time folks ask us if their website has been indexed. It's pretty easy to check.
Copy the following links and paste them into your Internet browser. Make sure you replace PUTYOURDOMAINHERE with your actual domain name.
- http://www.google.com/search?q=site:www.PUTYOURDOMAINHERE.com
- Yahoo
- https://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/search?p=http://www.PUTYOURDOMAINHERE.com
- http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=site:www.PUTYOURDOMAINHERE.com
We also have an test page that might work for you. Check your website
Adding images to your website
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Travel websites need to be very visual. The best way to add this depth is to take your own photos every time you travel anywhere. You'll be surprised at how quickly your own collection of good images builds up. And you have an extra bonus - you own the photos and in general can do with them as you will. Plus the photos and commentary on the photos are great ways to add unique content to your website. As we are known to say - good content helps attract search engine users.
If you don't have a camera or need a photo for a place you haven't been here's a place where you can buy photos from $2.50 to $1.00. The more you buy at one time the cheaper.
Flags, Flags, and more Flags
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
If you look at your site traffic reports today you may be seeing a lot more color on the daily report. We've updated the information about IP Addresses with about 30,000 new ip to country associations.
Thanks to the update, I see a site visitor today from Sri Lanka. Most of our traffic is from the US and Canada but we always see traffic from other countries.
Your website can reach further than you think. Make sure you give people a reason to come there.
Think unique content, interesting photos and commentaries of your trips and those of your customers.Hold on - help is on the way!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The team is busy reworking the help documentation. A new modern design has replaced the design for the help documentation with nice comfortable curves and some colorful banners. We are using the same techniques for this site as we are on sites that have customization packages..
- Flexible Table-less CSS based Layout
- Support for multiple headers
- Rounded Corners added using the great library Jquery
- Gradients
- Colorful badges
- Use of the built in blog feature.
But a pretty face only goes so far. We are also updating the documentation to bring it up to date and to make it more thorough. If you have something special that you want let us know and we'll expedite the documentation.
How can I get Search Engines to Index me?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
In our support system, we see this question frequently. I will tell you there is no magic answer. Getting Search Engine traffic requires time or money or both. However, you should know that Unique Content is the essence of the Search Engines world. The more content the Search Engines see the more they devour (index). If you don't add your own unique content there is absolutely no reason for a search engine to index your website. Fortunately, your Online Agency account has several features to help. We know because we use them ourselves. When we post regularly to our blogs we get more search engine traffic than when we don't.
Your Online Agency account coupled with the Levelfield Broadcast Option is the first step to getting noticed by the Search Engines. If you don't have the Levelfield Broadcast Option call us (866) 489-4889 and get it today. This month (January 2007) you can get it for $69.00 normally $169.00 and an extra month of service on your account.
The next step is to add unique content to your website. I'm not talking about the various supplier specials that you get in the email. Promotions are important and you should add them to your website but they are not unique content. I'm talking about something that is unique one of kind. This sounds hard but here's a little tip that might help you.
- Create a blog
- Set up a link on your website to your blog
- Post regularly to your blog - the more the better but at least several times a month.
- Not sure what to post - try this approach.
- Find 30 to 100 photos that you have taken while traveling
- Post a blog entry about the photo and attach the photo. Make sure you mentions things like where you took the photo, the time of the year, why you were traveling, and a brief description of the photo. Mention it's colors, travel suppliers, and your personal comments. Every noun that you write is a great keyword in its natural format. And every natural keyword gives the Search Engines something to index and can help bring Search Engine users to your website.
- Make an entry every 2-3 days and before long you should start seeing some search engine traffic.
One thing I am sure is that if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Get busy it's going to be a great year!
PS. There is nothing magic about META KEYWORDS. Most search engines don't even look at them these days. Yet we see customers being instructed by various EXPERTS to set them up. You may want to think a bit about your META TTITLE and META DESCRIPTION but I'm betting and seeing that the real deal is the actual content of the pages.
A cautionary note from Google - ""Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add URL page or through the Google Sitemaps (Beta) program, and you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever."
How wide should your web page be?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Screen Resolution (Display Resolution)
Hey, why is my website floating in a sea of white space? If you asking you probably have a giant monitor and a very high screen resolution - and we salute you! However, keep in mind that many people do not have such a monitor. When thinking about how wide your website should be make sure you look at your site through the eyes of your visitors.
Fortunately, your OnlineAgency (TM) website makes this easy for you by building this information into your Account. If you click on the Reports menu item from your OnlineAgency (TM) dashboard you'll see a link labeled, "Screen Resolution" or more correctly Display Resolution.
Here's our suggestions for page widths:
If you don't care about 15% of the population having to scroll left / right go with a width of 980 pixels. If you still care about that 15% of the propulation, we recommend 770 pixels. Of course your built in Online Agency (TM) site statistics will help solve this. You can see the screen resolution for the folks who actually visited your site. While you are there check out your reports. They are fascinating.
If you don't won't to look for yourself, then consider these numbers based on all internet traffic flowing through the Levelfield (TM) / OnlineAgency (TM) system
Resolution % 1024x768 55.08 800x600 15.51 1280x1024 10.44 1280x800 7.25 1152x864 3.12 1440x900 2.02 1280x768 1.55 1680x1050 0.96 1400x1050 0.80 1280x960 0.54 Other 2.71
Widkipedi defines it this way:
"The display resolution of a digital television or computer display can be an ambiguous term especially as displayed resolution is controlled by different factors in picture-tube (CRT) and flat panel or projection displays using fixed picture-element (pixel) arrays."
We still want you to blog! - Get Busy
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We still want you to blog! If you are not you are missing out of one of the most cost effective marketing tools in the world and certainly on the Internet.On July 7, 2006, I posted here to introduce "Clarity - Levelfield's Small Business Blog". Since that time I have tracked the progress of the new blog in terms of views and search engines using the reports that are built into every Levelfield (TM) / OnlineAgency (TM) account.
Here's a bit of what I am seeing.
In terms of page views the new blog has become this website's 2nd most popular page taking 19.5% of the page views. What page is number 1? The Levelfield Broadcast Blog, of course. During the same time period, the Levelfield Broadcast Blog got 22.9% of the page views. Based on the trend however, we expect our Clarity blog to move into first place soon. However there is nothing like a bit of healthy competition. Expecially if it results in increasing the overall number of pages views and attracts new visitors to the website.
So how has the new Clarity blog fared with the search engines? Well, on Google, it's visible on the 4th page of results when one searches for small business blog. Not the best position, but look at it this way. This blog is less than 2 months old and is showing up in the top 35 of 337 million results. check it out here
On the MSN Search you'll find the new Clarity blog in the top 40. On Aol top 50.
I have also found 184 references to the name of the blog, "Clarity - Levelfield's Small Business Blog". 172 listings found on Yahoo Search
And I have found seven inbound links to the home page from external sites.
We saw another new website, www.jeanniesamson.com that launched this past month that has been indexed and is showing up in various searches on Google and MSN. The magic - two things with this site. This is a redesigned site but has been visibile in its old format for a few months and this site is making chock full of unique content. Note that the site doesn't have hundreds of pages but just a few. No work has been done to add unique keywords or other meta tags. We don't feel that these are viable any more. Instead the content that carries the site and attracts the search engines is the page level content.
Tip# 1: If you haven't added a blog to your account you need to get started. Blogs are free with your Levelfield (TM) / OnlineAgency (TM) accounts.
Tip# 2: If you have more than one person in your organization you might consider adding a new blog to your website to increase the amount of unique content that you get on your website. Your Levelfield (TM) / OnlineAgency (TM) accounts have built-in support for multiple blogs
Remember this formula:
Unique Content = Search Engine Magnet.Blogs = Unique Content
Blogs = Search Engine Magnet
We Want You ... to Blog!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
I've been talking about this thing called blogging for a while.
The reason is simple. I believe that a blog is probably the cheapest and easiest way to build traffic to your site. Mess with meta tags and other tricks all you want. But if you don't have a regular program of adding new fresh UNIQUE content to your website you'll be sure to keep the search engines away.
I believe in this technique and have seen it work first hand for Levelfield/Online Agency and for our customers. Because we know that the built-in Levelfield Blog System is a powerful business tool we have started a new blog, Clarity - Levelfield's Small Business Blog. The new blog will differ from this one in that it will focus more on Business. The Levelfield Broadcast Blog will continue to focus on new features, tricks, and ways you can maximize your Levelfield/Online Agency web site from a more technical point of view.
Check it out now and make sure you let us know what you think. We are putting this together for you to help you grow your business.
Clarity - Levelfield's Small Business BlogNow you see it - Now you don't
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The Levelfield Website may have limits but you will be surprised how far you have to go to find those limits. And once you have reached the edge you can actually change the limits if you are willing to do a little bit of work. One easy way is to use CSS and Javascript. With the combination of these two you can add a lot of punch to your pages. I've set up this small example for you.
In the example, I added a few links above the search box and I hide the search box when the page loads. If you click on the links you can hide and show the search box in several interesting ways.
Example: http://content.onlineagency.com/c/0/63/32379_63.htm
The example is using a fine javascript library Jquery and a Jquery plugin called Interface.How to make a page index using a link box and page tags
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The Levelfield.com (TM) / OnlineAgency.com (TM) editing platform makes it easy to link to your pages when you use Link box and Page tags.
Here's a slide show to show you how: http://www.levelfield.com/howtomakealinkboxfromtags.htm
The slide show was made using a combination of the Link Box/ Page Tags and snippet features.When one is not enough
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Using the Levelfield Box and Blocks system you can easily add extra columns to a page.
calling all web developers
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
If you are a web developer and you have been working with clients using the Levelfield (TM) / Online Agency (TM) platform, I would like to speak with you . I'm taking a survey to see what features have been useful to you and what new options you would like to have to make your job easier. Send a comment in using the comment form in the right hand column. Make sure you include your email and phone number so that we can contact you.
Special congratulations to Susan Pitchford and to Phyllis Wlotzko
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We enjoyed seeing you at Vancouver last week. Special congratulations to Susan Pitchford, Travel Masters West Broadway and to Phyllis Wlotzko, Travel Your Way. Both won a free Online Agency (TM) web site.
Free Coffee Cups at the CRUISE-A-THON
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Come see us at the Travel Trade 24th Annual CRUISE-A-THON, June 2-5, in Vancouver. We'll be there with free coffee cups and information about how you can make more money. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and to meeting each one of you that we have not met personally in the past.
While you are there sign up for free blog service. Blogs are an EASY way to organize and present your thoughts on the web. Plus this is one of the least used methods by travel agencies and travel suppliers to get the word out. Get started now! If you wish to have a domain name with your blog service - you can get get that for only $25 for two years. If you are not yet on the internet or just need another way of getting the word out this is for you.
Reminder: You already have a blog if you are a current customer.
If you are in the travel industry sign up here for Free Blog Service so that you can be one of the first in the travel industry to make use of this great way of getting the word out.
NEW ---> Window to the world
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The OnlineAgency system has built in support to make the use of IFRAMES easy. Think of a IFRAME as a window on your webpage. Online Agency users will find this feature useful for linking up to some of the affiliate programs. Using the IFRAME can make the 3rd party information fit better into your website
Click on the examples
Online Agency Website has a new design
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We figured that after several years it was time to update the look on the OnlineAgency (TM) website.. We built it using the same tools that you have as an Levelfield (TM) / OnlineAgency (TM) member.
If you are interested in any of the techniques let us know.
Be sure and tell us what you think.Google Sitemap Generator
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
In case you didn't know or had forgotten the Levelfield Broadcast package includes access to the Google Sitemap Generator. This feature is only available to those who have the Levelfield Broadcast package. This great package combines several important features into one affordable bundle and it is yours for as long as you have an Online Agency account.
This month we are featuring this product and have a special price of only $99 (regular price is 169). Call today to lock in this special price - 866 489-4889 Ask your sales representative how you can the Levelfield Broadcast Package for free.
The package is built around the Private Label Supreme option that removes your website from a frameset, brands each link in the site with your domain name, and makes your website very search engine friendly. Along with this we will include the Google Sitemap creator which allows you to create and submit a site map of your website to Google and then to easily update the sitemap as you change your pages. Plus we'll upgrade your newsletter so that you can create and save for reuse your newsletter campaigns. You also get the Levelfield Comment module. This package is design to work all the time for you. And it keeps getting better.Online Agency - Tell us what you are thinking
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We've added a customer comment section to our Online Agency website. It is similiar to the one that you can have if you have the Levelfield Broadcast Package. We look forward to hearing from you.
What if your customers could post their comments easily on your website
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
What if your customers could post their comments easily on your website! What if you wanted to be able to approve the comments before they automatically were displayed on your website? What if you could get this feature added at no cost to your website?
Wait no longer! We have added a new feature, the Levelfield Customer Comment Module, for everyone who has the Levelfield Broadcast Package.
What is the Levelfield Customer Comment Module?
The Levelfield Customer Comment module allows you to feature approved customer comments on your Levelfield site. For the customer, it means they can come to your site and submit a comment and after you approve it then it will appear on the site. For you, this can serve as one more way to communicate and interact with your customers. They can submit a comment and after you approve it you can put it on the site, showing them your appreciation. This new feature will be a part of our Levelfield content boxes and can also appear on a stand-alone page as well. You will have the flexibility to decide exactly where you want your comment box featured on the sit.
Click here to see how you can add the Levelfield Customer Comment Module to your website.
What is the Levelfield Broadcast Package?
The package is built around the Private Label Supreme option that removes your website from a frameset, brands each link in the site with your domain name, and makes your website very search engine friendly. Plus we'll upgrade your newsletter so that you can create and save for reuse your newsletter campaigns. And from time to time, you will get certain new features at no cost like the Levelfield Customer Comment Module! Pay once and it keeps on going for you.
If you don't have the Levelfield Broadcast Package, May is a good month to add it. You can get it at no cost with certain upgrades. Or if you prefer you can purchase the Levelfield Broadcast Package for the one time price of only $99. Plus we'll give you an extra month of service. Our regular price is $169. Save at least $140 in May.
Click here to read more about the Levelfield Broadcast Package.
Call now Toll Free 866 489-4889 to lock in your savings.
Free Daily Jazz Downloads!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Today, I added a link for free daily downloads of jazz to the Levelfield Broadcast Blog. The music is from folks who keep the music alive - local musicians scattered across the United States and the world. Just like all business owners - small or massive, these musicians are looking for one more customer. In order to get that next customer they have offered up a sample of their music. Their hope - you like the music, you'll buy it.
Click here for Free Daily Jazz Downloads
I've added the link to the Levelfield Broadcast Blog for 3 reasons. I love Jazz. I want to promote the work of jazz artists, and I'm curious to see if adding the content to the blog attracts more readers.
All business people have the same objective - getting one more customer. Combining your passions with your work helps you to attract new customers. Whether your passion be for jazz or gardening - share your passion. Make sure your website shares your passions. One easy way is to update your blog if you have one or start one if you don't. Each Levelfield customer can create a blog. Read How
Put yourself on your website. You'll find kindred spirits out there and perhaps that next new customer.
Don't share your passions and you'll wonder why people don't buy from you.
When you visit Washingtonm, DC and you happen to like jazz - check out Twins. It's the real deal. I know I've been there hundreds of times. Jazz is one of my passions.News Flash - The world is round
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
O you knew that! But our webpages didn't.
We are working on a technique that will allow you to have rounded corners on your web page. Not sure what I'm talking about. Take a look at the example:
Example Click around the demo site you'll see that the rounded corners are beginning to show up through out the system. We've not decided exactly how we will implement this for you but this working demonstration will let you see what's possible. The example has only been tested in IE which represents so many folks who use your websites. However, we will make it look ok in Firefox as well as other browsers.
Want to learn more about the roundification of website corners:
Want to know even more
Google Search: rounded corners
Warning: the system still doesn't know much about rounded corners and other visualization tricks but we are teaching it. Stay tuned.
A written word is the choicest of relics
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
"A written word is the choicest of relics." -Heny David Thorea Google
A picture is worth a thousand words...
What happens when you combine the written word with a picture? '
Click here to find out and to make your own sign.
Added ID to all promo searches in application
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The promotion ID has been added to all the promotion searchs available to you when working on your website within the Online Agency (TM) Dashboard. This feature makes it easy for you to find a promotion when a customer mentions a promotion id for something that they were viewing on your website.
Click to See how to use new search featureSave those searches
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
You can now specify default search criteria for almost any search page on your site using the new Save Search feature. While using the editor application, you can perform any search you like - just as if you were searching on your own site. After you click the Search button on the form, you will see a Save Search button at the top of the search form. Clicking this button will "save" your critera so these values are automatically set when your customers view the page on your site. You can also remove a saved search by clicking the Cancel Search button.Editing Non-Member Supplier Pages
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Did you know you can add your own supplier content or edit supplier pages?
Many Suppliers are listed in the OnlineAgency (TM) system that are not member suppliers (they don't provide any content for the site).Although they don't provide us content, you can use them by editing their page in our system to include whatever content you have from them. You can also use them as a supplier to create promotions and add your own Itinerary information.
* You can modify their page in our system
* They can be listed in your "Top Suppliers" column
* You can use them to build promotions in our system
Many of our customers use non-member suppliers in our system on their websites. Some use non-member suppliers exclusively and sell lots of travel.There are 3 different methods or some combination of these to do it:
1. Create custom promotion using the non-member supplier
2. Create a page from scratch for the supplier
3. Edit a new version of the non-member supplier page in our system
_____________To edit a supplier page "New Version"_________1. login.onlineagency.com > Click on "pages of content"
2. Click on "all pages" (in yellow Toolbar on the side)
3. Click on the Supplier Link or Destination Link to get to the page
(Follow path e.g.: The World > North America > United States > Hawaii)
4. click the "New Version" (in yellow Toolbar on the side)
5. Enter any pertinent information in the form fields (at least a title) > click "save"
6. Edit your page
7. Click "Release page"____________To Create a Promotion______________
1. Login.onlineagency.com
2. Click promotions wizard ;
3. Select the type of promotion; if you are using a supplier select "Type 1", if not using a supplier select "Type 2"
4. Continue through the screens; follow the instructions in the wizard***For Detailed Instructions****
login at onlineagency.com > Help? > How to Guides > Promotions & Specials How-ToOr just use this link:
https://content.onlineagency.com/sites/dl/Building_Editing_Promotions.htm* The instructions include how to display the promotions on your page
* You can also create links to the pages just as you do with a static page
* After you are done you can go back and edit the promotion; click on "Promotions", click on "edit" or the name of the promotion to edit the page or the settings
________Walk-Through Training Support____________The Online Agency Training program runs Monday through Friday each week.
You can sign up from your account dashboard (login to account).
The sessions occur every Day at 2:00 pm CST.* Customizing OLA Content - In this class we cover how to customize any of the 30,000+ pages of content that make up your website. * Promotions In Depth - Here we go over the promo picker (which allows you to customize which promotions will be displayed on your pages), how to edit a promotion itinerary and how to build your own itinerary from scratch.
New Equipement Upgrades for Your Website
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
You might not know but your Levelfield (TM)/ OnlineAgency (TM) website sits on top of several different servers all design to support your website. This past weekend we added in two new servers that help to spread out the incoming traffic and upgraded some of the disk storage.
The new servers are possibly capable of carrying the entire load of the system. However, they are only a part of the system designed to meet your business needs. In fact the Levelfield (TM) system has redundancy in most all things. For example, the facilty that we use for the web sites has backup generators and power sources if the electricity fails. The systems are design to switch on automatically. This past month we ran on a backup generator for a while while maintenance was done on the incoming electrical power systems. The facillty also has virtually unllimited access via different backbone providers to the Internet. If one carrier is not available incoming and outgoing traffic is automatically routed.
We have several upgrades planned this year that will keep your website ticking.
The March of the Internet Travel Consumers Begins
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Each December just after Christmas day, with visions of sugar plums fading from their heads, the damage done to the family budget, and a cold winter chill setting in, Internet travel consumers all through the land have begun their annual quest for adventure, warmer climates and relaxation in strange and wonderful places.
Right on schedule on December 26, 2005 we saw the annual march of travel shoppers begin as they flock to the Internet and will be watching as the next couple of months unfold. We hope that you have done your planning and have your travel business geared up for this annual march of travel consumers.Put Your Digital Camera to Work
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Have you ever thought about putting your digital camera to work in your business? You don't have to be a professional photographer to take advantage of your digital camera in your marketing efforts as you work to find your next new customer. Just look for opportunities to snap a photo that somehow illustrates your work. After all, it's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. One thing for sure your camera can help you in the ongoing task of finding new and original content for your website. You take a picture, you write a few comments about the picture, you post it to your website and WHOOSH you've just added new content to your website. This new content can help you attract people via search engines to your website. And the more people you attract the more likely is that you'll find your next new customer.
You'll find once you get started there are many things you can do with your photos. Here's one to help stimulate your imagination. Just slide your map over the pictures.
See more more tricks like this at CSS Play by StuLooking for ways to dress up your website for the holidays?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
As the holidays approach people are decorating their homes, their streets, their desks and, yes, even their websites. If you like to tinker with your website, CSS, and HTML there are many ways you can customized your website.
If you would like to dress up your website and don't have time or don't think you want to fool with it - be sure and ask us to see what sort of specials that we have. We have customization packages starting as low as $75.
Contact us today Local 512 401-9200 or Toll Free 866 489-4889 to see what specials that we have for you. You can save big on site customization packages, Levelfield Broadcast Package, Site Renewals or Even new or additional websites. Louie and Jason are waiting to help you.
Check out these links to see one of thousands of techniques we can use to spice up your website :
Dressing Up Your Website
Site Customizations
starting at $75.
Contact us today
Local 512 401-9200
or Toll Free
866 489-4889 Protecting Your Email
Site Customizations
starting at $75.
Contact us today
Local 512 401-9200
or Toll Free
866 489-4889 Photo of a Building
Site Customizations
starting at $75.
Contact us today
Local 512 401-9200
or Toll Free
866 489-4889 Explorer II
Explorer II Levelfield Broadcast Blog Logo
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We added a new feature to the RSS feed block. You can now open a link in the same window when you use the feed as a block on your own site. This feature makes it cleaner to use your promotion and blog feeds right on your own site to help drive folks into your promotions and your blog contents.
Put yourself, your vision, and your dreams on your website.
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The biggest problem for small businesses when creating a website is knowing what to put on the website. It's actually pretty easy. Put yourself, your vision, and your dreams on your website. Tell your story. Its unique - don't be like everyone else. Don't copy everyone else. Tell your story. That's what your customers need and want to hear.
Click to Read the full article "Put yourself, your vision, and your dreams on your website".building the world one content box at a time....
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Creating a Content box just became a little easier......A minor adjustment to the content box creating came out today. Previously, when you create a new box you had to click on the green box to add your elements. Now when a new box is created you go directly into the box. No, this is not an earth shattering change but it does save a click here and there...
Want to know more about content boxes?
What's in that box?
Levelfield Box and BlocksCustomer Suggestion Comes to Life!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
This week on Tuesday a customer suggested that we add the HTML editor to Blogs.
On Wednesday, we added the html editor to the blog.
Today we are letting you know about it in our blog.
Thank all of you who give us suggestions on how we can make things easier for you. Of course we are not your custom development shop BUT if you have a suggestion we frequently find a way to work it into your Levelfield (TM) / Online Agency (TM) account. Sometimes is fast and sometimes its way slow. But we never forget. Keep your suggestions coming!
BTW if you haven't started a blog - you really should. A certain Levelfield person has a personal blog that has NEVER been submitted to a SEARCH ENGINE and has NO links to the site from ANYWHERE. Further there are no META TAGS or DESCRIPTION.
Yet the site has been indexed.
How can that be?
We think 2 things are going on.
1. Google must tap into a database of domain registrations.
2. the blog is full of unique content (search engine magnet)Thank You Sale - The Day after Thanksgiving!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Call Friday (866) 489-4889 On Friday, November 24, 2005, known as the day after Thanksgiving 2005 many of you will be shopping. Take a few minutes to make an investment in your business. Online Agency is having the biggest sale of the year to help you get your website ready for the new year! Start the new year with your best foot forward. This special offer Expires November 30, 2005. Three Ways to Save
- Customization Package $349 includes a complete makeover, 5 custom pages and up to 10 images, 2 months extra service, Levelfield Broadcast Option which includes Private Label Supreme. You'll save over $450 with this sale
- Purchase or Renew your current account for 2 years for $550 and get the Levelfield Broadcast Option for free. You'll save $379.
- Special BONUS get a blog site for FREE. Add a domain name for only $35 a year. Includes domain hosting - no email services or content provided.
Time is running out for you to get ready for the New Year. Once December 26 hits the online shoppers will begin their seasonal move to the Internet looking for their next vacation. Why not greet them this year with a brand new look! Thank you! Sincerely, Jude Samson President Levelfield.com, Inc d/b/a Online Agency.com 11824 Jollyville Rd #102 Austin,TX 78759 Phone:(512) 401-9200 Fax:(512) 401-9401 SALES:(866) 489-4889 Read the Levelfield Broadcast blog regularly for information about new features, marketing tips, and specials.
Search Engine Optimization or good luck!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
This morning one of our customers reported to me that in MSN Search a link to her website for a well known cruise supplier is showing up first in the MSN search results and in another case on the first page.
How did she do this?
Well I'm guessing that luck is involved. Who knows exactly what and when the search engines are going to do something. However, I think there are several steps she took that certainly contributed to her good fortune.
1. She has added keyword rich unique text to her pages.
2. She has updated here website several times over the last 2-3 months.
3. She has added some meta keywords and a meta description. The search engine did not display the meta descripton. The keywords were not specific to the page. I don't think they help much.
4. She has the Levelfield Broadcast Option which includes Private Label Supreme. I don't think the Levelfield Broadcast Option made her number 1 or even got her on the first page but having this option certainly made it possible for Google, MSN, and Yahoo to index her website. Just 2 or 3 months ago she didn't have the Levelfield Broadcast Option. Now she has been indexed by the 3 primary search engines. She has not yet taken advantage of the of the Google Site Map feature.
Click to Read more about the Levelfield Broadcast Option and how it can help you.
One very important question:
Will she get search engine traffic as a result of this new positioning on the search results page?
After all it's possible to get top ranking for keywords that no one will ever use for a search. To demonstrate this I added the following phrase to one of our pages: Eightieth Waffle Mansion. If you search google and msn you'll see that phrase in the coveted number one position on the search results page. BUT who would ever search for that particular phrase.
click to see results on MSN
click to see results on Google
In a month or so I'll do a follow up report to see how our customer fared with her new positioning on the search results pages. What I can say for sure is that she gets traffic from Yahoo, Google, and MSN in that order on a daily basis. The question that I have will she benefit from this placement reported here.New feature added support for Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a lossless bitmap image format if you are interested technically. For most of us its just another graphics format that you may have and can now upload and use with your Levelfield (TM) / Online Agency (TM) account.
Travel Agency gets indexed by Google, MSN, and Yahoo in less than 2 months
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
I was working with one of the Online Agency customers today and saw that their website had been indexed by Google, MSN, and Yahoo. And they only signed up in September, 2005.
The magic?
The customer has created about 45 pages of their own content including a blog and their own promotions, and they have the Levelfield Broadcast Option.
The end of the year is rapidly approaching and you want to make sure your site is ready for the wave. If you don't yet have Levelfield Broadcast Option get it now while the price is low. We are offering the Levelfield Broadcast Option for a one time fee of $129. But hurry this price is going up at the first of the year.
Be one of the first 20 callers to purchase this option on Monday November 21, 2005 and we'll make this great upgrade even better. We'll add 30 days of service to your account. Call Toll Free 866 489-4889 and add the Levelfield Broadcast Option.
Read more about the Levelfield Broadcast Option
This offer is only valid on Monday November 21, 2005Using Templates with your Webmail.
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Each Hosted Levelfield (TM) / Online Agency (TM) account comes with email. Did you know that you also have webmail for those times when you are away from the office for an extended period. Or if you are like me for daily use?
Did you know that you can create templates for your webmail to assist you when sending multiple, repetitive emails, like a notification that your website has changed.
These templates can include a signature (if you would not like to use the one that displays on every message) and any other Message text you would like to send repeatedly, or to use multiple signatures for different kinds of recipients (customers, vendors, personal, etc.)
The webmail template feature is included FREE with your account. Make sure you are taking advantage of it. How to Use You Webmail Templates66 Blogs!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Welcome to all the new bloggers out there. So far 66 blogs have been created. Keep up the good work. Make sure you add a new entry today. AND for those of you who have not create a blog yet - get busy. Who knows your next customer just might find your website because of your blog.
Upload Many Images at the Same Time!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Now you can upload many images at the same time. If you work a lot with images this will save you time. If you have been avooiding uploading those images from your latest FAM trip or from your last trade show now is the time. Its easier than ever. NO CHARGE to you! Its FREE with your account. Enjoy! Interesting Note: I uploaded the ACTUAL images used in this post with this the bulk upload tool. Log into your account. Click on the site menu item . When the next page loads click on the green upload button. On the next page click on the "bulk image uploader" link. On the next page you'll be prompted to let the uploader load in your browser. Normally this will be the only time you will have to "load" the uploader.
Small Image - Large Image
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
When you select an image for use on a page, you can now link automatically to a new page that contains a larger version fo the image along with Title and Description. Just click on the image to the left to see how this works.
Travel Agency Blogs - rare breed
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Why you should start your blog now -
Here's something for you to consider - extremely few travel agencies are using this cost effective (FREE) line of business marketing and communications. If you want to get out in front of everone here is a way to do it now!
It's built into your Online Agency (TM) / Levelfield (TM) account to make it very simple for you to get started. No fuss, no muss, no other software to learn or application. No extra fees!
Let's say you sell a particular cruise line or vacation package. You've sold it to many customers and you've been on fam trips and vacations. Take your knowledge and use it to show that next perspective customer that you KNOW the product, you are the EXPERT, you have something unique to offer them. Start a blog on that subject. Then show committment to your business succes by writing at least once a week about the subject. Don't rehash everyone else stories - write about your own personal observations, experiences and those of your customers. Every word you write can lead to one new sale. don't be bashful -write write write!
One of our customers spoke today at the Freelance Austin on Business Blogging Advantages… You can read his Blog here where he writes about why business should blog - Business Blogging Advantages… Why Should I Blog? and he has a post about Making the Commitment to Blogging.
You've got the worlds most flexible software for your Travel Business and SMALL Business - get busy using it. Be the first on your block, in your city, perhaps your state to start a business block on YOUR AREA of expertise.Levelfield (TM) Blog now has PERMALINK
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We made it easier for you or others to reference one of your blog entries by adding a new permalink feature. You can see the permalink on this post - just look for the "link" next to to the date and time.
What is a PERMALINK?
A permalink is a link that will always be good for your blog entry. As you may have noticed the actual blog entry tends to move around. First it shows up in the blog, As time goes by the entry will drop in the blog list until one day it is not visible. At this point the blog entry is grouped with blogs for a given month.
This is good and bad. It's good because you are freed up from lots of maintenance on your website. It's bad because people looking for your blog entry might not be able to find it. That's where permalinks come in. They are a "permanent" link to the entry no matter where the blog post actually ends up.
If you want to read more about PERMALINK click here
We also updated the RSS feed code so that it will have the correct date on it. This makes it work better with various RSS readers.
Did you know that the levelfield.com RSS Feed reader supports RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0?November 2005 Online Agency Update Hits the wires
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The November 2005 Online Agency Update Hits the wires. You probably have it now in your email box. We've also put it online for you to reading convenience.
55 places to put your RSS feed
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The Levelfield (TM) website comes with free blogging capability with built-in RSScapabilities. This features makes it possible for people to "subscribe" to your promotion list or blog so that they can keep up with you. You can also submit your RSS feeds to various sites as part of your campaign to get the word out!
Need to learn more - well read Robin Good's TOP55 page where you can find out more about using RSS as part of your marketing efforts and where you can find 55 places that you can submit your RSS feeds so that you get your word out further and wider than ever before.Levelfield (TM) makes Small Business Blogging Easy
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
What is a blog?
Blog Defined
"A weblog or blog is a web-based publication of periodic articles (posts), usually presented in reverse chronological order. It is an online journal with one or many contributors." - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Blogging made easy
Levelfield (TM) makes small business blogging easy by integrating its blogging capability right into the webpage. You don't have to know HTML, PHP, ASP, JAVA, Javascript, etc. You just get it with your Levelfield (TM) /Online Agency account. If you can point, click and write you can add one or a million blogs. Just get busy. With your Levelfield (TM) website you can set up as many "Blogs" as you wish. You cqn "publish" your blogs using RSS. One useful and cool feature is you can use your own RSS by using the Levelfield (TM) Feed Block found in the Levelfield (TM) Content Box.
We use our own Small Business products
As is the case with all of the software that we sell to the small business community, we use the built in blog and the RSS feed. For example our use of the RSS feed made it possible for us to double the traffic to our website in just one month.
Will you be able to do the same?
Perhaps. Many of the Levelfield (TM)/Online Agency (TM) customers get much more traffic to their website than we do. In each case, the small business is getting the word out powerfully by combining their successful business plan with the very affordable, capable, and flexible small business website from Levelfield (TM).
Think content not blog!
The Levelfield (TM) Log is an extremely powerful and easy way of adding content. You can quickly add and categorie your content complete with an image. The log pages are managed for you and can serve many purposes.
How we use the builtin Blog/RSS
We use the Levelfield (TM) broadcast log to announce new product features, as a way to present editoral comment, as a way to document various product features, and as a sales tool during the actual sales process.
More Reading:
Dan Bricklin's discusses examples of how a small business can use a blog.More Search List formatting options added!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We added 2 new formatting options today. 1. You can change the look for your even and odd rows in the search results.
If you are wondering about the colors use on the example site. You might want to click on Site - Style and check out the Palettes, Font and CSS buttons to see more customization options.New Search List formatting options added.
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We added in new formatting capabilities for the search lists - the Box View. Here's what you need to do if you wish to check out this feature. 1. Log into your Levelfield (TM) / Onlineagency (TM) account. 2. Click on the SITES menu
the system will display a new page 3. Click on the PREFERENCES menu
the system will display the General preferences page The new feature can be found at the very top where you select the preferred view for search results. You can also set the Maximum image size in search results box view. Note: the maximum size will not make the image larger than it is but will allow you to size it up to its actual size.
Note: Column view not available for all search pages. Click to see example While you are looking at the preference page take a look at the other 23 preferences that you might not know about. Rumour has it that the Online Agency (TM) system is the world's most flexible and configurable system for the travel industry. The General preferences pages gives you 25 reasons why this is so. If you are wondering about the colors use on the example site. You might want to click on Site - Style and check out the Palettes, Font and CSS buttons to see more customization options.Weekend Challenge
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
This weekend take a few minutes for your business I challenge you to starting learning something new about your Levelfield (TM)/Online Agency (TM) account.
Log into your Levelfield (TM)/Online Agency (TM) account and do something that you have never done - Create a page, upload an image, use a Levelfield Content Block, create a blog, create a promotion, check your statistics, add an email account, check out all the extras, go in and select a new supplier. You’ll be amazed how quickly you learn when you are doing.
Have a wonderfully healthy and prosperous month.
May you live a century, learn a century.What's your preference
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
If your Chamber of Commerce account, Member Association account, Travel Agency account or Small Business account has the event calendar activated you might want to check out the new set of preferences we've added. Log into your account, click on the SITE menu. When the next page opens where you can click on the PREFERENCE menu option. When the next page page opens you can click on the EVENTS button. Here are the preferences you can set.
- You can set the default search results to show all events or only the current month.
- You can set the search results to show all future events and not just those for the current month
- You can hide past events so that they don't appear in search results
- You can activate the RSS feed for your events
Blogging and your business
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Are you wondering why we talk so much about blogging? Take a few minutes to read this article written by Scott Ingram, one of our customers. Scott discusses the top 5 reasons why blogging for business is so valuable and has so much potential. Click to Read Scott Ingram's article
Added RSS feeds for Promotions and Event Calendar
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
More ways to get the word out. You can now use RSS feeds to syndicate your promotions and event calendars.
Here's a tidbit for you. According to Yahoo, more than 27% of Internet users are using RSS feeds but only 5% know that they are. The good news is that your Levelfield (TM) / Online Agency (TM) website comes equipped so that you can take advantage of this technology when you are ready.
Yahoo RSS White paper
Yahoo RSS White paper SummaryGet the word out!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
You may have noticed that we are talking a lot about blogging. That's because we are trying to get the word out about a powerful new business tool that is included free with your Levelfield(TM) / Online Agency(TM) account.
It's one of those tools that are designed to make it easier for you to get the word out. Getting the word out always increases your potential for new business.
Here are a couple of articles that a Levelfield customer posted on their website that might help you decide to blog today: Business Blogging - Part 1 "Do You Blog?
Business Blogging - Part 2 "Why Blog?"
Here's a search that shows you one important fact:
Search engines love your unique content. Increase your business potential! Get the word out.
Google Search: levelfield.com blogAdd categories to your BLOG
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
While I was working on our Levelfield Broadcast Blog - I realized that I wanted to start categorizing my posts. I started to try this by adding something to the title but this was wonkey. But then I realized that we could just add categories to the blog and be done with it. This is a very powerful organization feature and I'm waiting to see who does magical things with it.
Now you can add CATEGORIES to your blog postings.
Give YOUR VISITORS the ability to browse your unique blogs by CATEGORY.
To see these categories in use look between the title and the content and you'll see the categories. In this case:
blog, Marketing, New Feature, Search Engine, Site Customization
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see the categories list there as well. Each category becomes another page for your site Visitors to read and for Search Engines to find.
If you are using a BLOG on your website let us know. Send us your url even if it's not the one built into your account. Who knows we might post it somewhere for you so you have one more link back to your website.
If you haven't added a blog you should get started right now. The UNIQUE CONTENT that you add when creating a blog is just what the search engines want to see.
My personal blog is now getting search engine hits. What am I doing special - nothing really just writing something every now and then.
Those words you write today might be the best investment you can make of your time if they happen to pull in a big new customer. Given that the number one problem for all businesses, large or small, is to find that next new customer, don't you owe it to yourself to add some new content today?HOW TO: Did you blog today?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
All Levelfield/Online Agency users have a blog. It's an easy way to periodically add content to your website. A blog is a log or journal on your web site that you can use to easily report on events or post information for your customers or friends, the term "blog" is short for weblog. The blog is automatically formatted with a bold header a date stamp (you can turn off if need be) that indicates an ongoing dialog. On the Online Agency editing platform the feature is labled with a yellow "log" button . Editing the log is simple as clicking the button and typing in text. You can also add images and HTML if you wish to do so. How to Add the Blog Block to a Page To create a blog block on your page you must first convert a body on a page to a content box: The blog block will be available for selection in the content box, it is called a "log". For instructions to convert a body to a content box use this link: Documentation How to add a Post to a Log After the Log Block has been added to the page in the Content Box, will have a "Log" button on your page to Post or Edit a Log. Click the yellow "Log" button: Type in a Title for a Bold Header for your Log. Type in and format your text in the "Post" field. To add an Image click on the green image button at the bottom. To add links or format the text, you can use HTML tags. Check the "Hide date/time on posts" field to remove the date time from the log. How to Add the Blog Block to a Page How to Edit an Existing Post in a Log You can go back and make corrections or update an existing log on your page by going into the log block and selecting "search posts". Click the yellow "Log" button - . Click "Search Posts" in the upper right side in the blue bar. Click the name of the Post, this will reopen it for editing. Click the green "Save" button or "cancel" button at the bottom right to finish.
Have a good weekend!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Site Look and Feel - New Display Preference
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We added a new display preferences for the info box for Cruise Ship Detail pages. This display option is particularly useful for those Ships with dozens of itineraries. You can put the info box before the itineraries so that it is easier to see.
You can find this preference when you log by clicking on Site and the Preferences. Look for the Section called Display toward the bottom of the page.New Package - Levelfield Broadcast Option regularly $169.00
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
This great new package combines several important features into one affordable bundle and it is yours for as long as you have an Online Agency account. Great news If you have Private Label Supreme you will get this package for free. Just check your dashboard to see if you have a link that reads: Generate Google sitemap. If you don't have Private Label Supreme find out how you can get it along with these exciting new options. The package is built around the Private Label Supreme option that removes your website from a frameset, brands each link in the site with your domain name, and makes your website very search engine friendly. Along with this we will include the Google Sitemap creator which allows you to create and submit a site map of your website to Google and then to easily update the sitemap as you change your pages. Plus we'll upgrade your newsletter so that you can create and save for reuse your newsletter campaigns. Broadcast Your Brand 1. Allows you to brand each link in your website with your domain name. Removes your domain from a frameset making it easier for Search engines to crawl your branded website. Broadcast your content 2. Make your site more search engine friendly. 3. Option to submit your site map to Google (requires a Google account). Indexes only the pages that you have created or versions that you have made. Doesn't index the Online Agency content. 4. Ability to create Really Simple Syndication feeds for submission of you blog to directories and to other websites. 5. Ability to create RSS feeds for your promotions. (Some say that RSS will eventually replace email marketing.) Broadcast your message 5. Email Newsletter enhancement that allows you to create and save your newsletter campaigns. Plus you'll be able to send more than one newsletter. Important Note: We can't and don't guarantee any search engine results after all the search engines themselves don't guarantee inclusion. Here's what google has to say on site submission: "We add and update new sites to our index each time we crawl the web, and we invite you to submit your URL here. We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear." All major search engines say something similiar. For example, Yahoo charges a $300 fee for consideration of your website for inclusion into their directory with no guarantee of anything other than they will process your request. Given this caveat, the trend that we see is that sites with the Private Label Supreme option usually have better results with the search engines than those without. The private label suprememe option makes it easier for Google, Yahoo, and MSN to index the pages that you create. Recently, I've been working with one travel agency who didn't have the Private Label Supreme option. She added it to her account and now Google has indexed her 443 pages from here website. Remember you are the crucial element to your success. you can't buy success but you can build success. Create a plan and then work your plan. The Levelfield Broadcast Option will help but only if you work your plan. If you are interested in getting this add on option. Call Louie or Jason in our sales department today - Toll Free 866 489-4889 to get our introductory special for the Levelfield Broadcast Option of $129.00. Hurry the introductory price ends on October 31, 2005.
Webmail Features
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We are consolidating all our annoucements into the Levelfield Broadcast Blog. Here's a list of features that we added to the webmail services in September. If you don't see these features you may not be using the new system. Contact support for more information. Check out the various options that are available to you now by clicking on the OPTIONS link at the top of the page once you log in to webmail. Pick where you save "sent" messages. Useful if you need to keep track of mail sent by customer. Forward or reply from the list of emails. Pick links, icons, links and icons, or buttons for the menu items at the top of the screen. Select two items from the list, click "select range", and all items between the two become selected. This is useful if you want to delete or modify message status of a bunch of messages quickly. You can also change your select range preferences to support selecting "multiple ranges". For example, you select message one, then message five, then click "select range". You select message eight and message twelve, then click "select range". You now have messages 1-5 *and* 8-12 selected. Enabled shift-clicking. Keep track of dates using the Calendar feature to the webmail with month view and day view. Events can be created, deleted and updated. You can also place a small calendar in the folder area. See Options for settings. Address book Import-Export Import address books from a CSV (comma separated values) file. Located at the bottom of the "Addresses" section. Auto Login: Ability to log in without retyping email address and password. DO NOT USE IN PUBLIC SETTING. Bounce: Resend an email preserving the headers. Email Sent Confirmation: Provides a variety of ways to see tha email has been sent plus a new feature to add addressee to address book. Enhanced Composition: Streamlined tab sequence when writing emails. Show Headers: Ability to show custom headers Add Address: Add the From Address to your address book, via a small link next to the From Address. Auto Completion: Automatically fill in nickname/email address while filling in your To/Cc/Bcc fields. Bookmarks: Keep track of your important Internet links. HTML Editor: Send colorful emails. Quick Save:Saves a copy of your message just in case you leave the compose form by accident. Message Highlighting: Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the messages are from, especially for mailing lists. New Mail Notifications: Configure settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows when new mail arrives. Notes: Create notes, for easy reminders or quick saving of information for future use. Preview Pane: Use a third frame below the message list for viewing message bodies Random Signature Taglines: Append a randomly selected tagline to the user's signature. Spelling Check: Cannt spel? No problem. Templates: Create text templates to quickly add to your emails Weather: How cold? how hot? Rain or Shine? Support: Send a note to the Online Agency support team. And much more:
Site Customization: Search Links
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Search links are URLs that return a search results page with one or more search criteria already specified. By building search links, you can create links that allow your guests to go directly to a specific set of search results.
Search links are considered a "developer" feature, so you should be familiar with URL parameters and your account's domain information to understand this feature.
Building Custom Search Links DocumentationBuilt in support for Google SiteMap beta program
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Google has introduced a new program called Google Sitemaps. Levelfield has added built in support for this new program. Only Levelfield customers who have the Supreme Private Label program will be able to use the Levelfield site map creation tool. The pages that the Levelfield system can submit will be limited to the pages that you actually have created. The sitemap will not include the Levelfield content. Our goal is to encourage you to create "unique content" for your website.
In order to use this new system. You need to create an account with Google. Create new Google Account
Once you have the account you'll need to log into your Online Agency account. Click on Google Site Map link on the dashboard.
Once you have created the sitemap you will need to submit the sitemap to Google when you log into your Google account.
As with all search engines, Google states that they cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or IF your urls will be crawled and added to the index. Remember that it is not technology that will make the difference for your business it is YOU.Web Goobly goo - Blog RSS Promotion RSS XML
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We have added in a few new feature that may help you spread the word about your website. We've had blogging capability built into your website for some time. It's a an easy way to add content to your website.
Now we have added in the ability to easily syndicate your blog. [examplelink]. The technology behind the syndication is called RSS. As time allows we'll extend this capaiblity to your promotions, product catalogs and so on.
The feature is available free to anyone who has the Private Label Supreme option for your Online Agency account or anyone who has an Levelfield Small Business account.What's in that Box!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We've enhanced the content BOX. You know that green thing tha shows up on your pages while you are editing your website.
The plan behind the madness it to make it easier and easier for you to customize your webpages and website by offering you more features.
Here's two that you might not know about. You can now create a content rotator or a slide show. And the cool thing is that you can mix images, text, html, and even flash into the content rotator or slide show.
Built in Slide Show
Built in Content rotatorWhat's Your Color
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
A big problem that people have with makeovers of any kind, home, website, self it trying to determine what colors work together. Here's a website that gives you the chance to play with colors. If you are thinking about changing the look of anything here are a few places to start.
Slayer Office
http://www.visibone.com/colorlab/big.htmlNew Travel Images added to the image library
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Added Search Capabilties to Levelfield and Online Agency
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We've added a Search Engine to the Levelfield website. We'll be adding one ot the OnlineAgency.com website soon.
Try it out here:69% of Online Agency customers prefer Blue
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
On 2/28/2005 we released a new map feature that made it possible to choose the color theme for the maps used on travel sites powered by OnlineAgency.com. Today the most popular color has been blue by an overwhelming 69% majority. Next comes green (19%) and yellow (9%). Grey and the classic color made a poor showing of 1.5 percent for each color.
Released Time Zone Widget
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
We released the first draft of the time zone widget. You can get one for your site by using the TIME ZONE Extra that will be released this week.
Check it outReleased Levelfield Box and Blocks
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Today, we released the first full version of Levelfield's Content Box and Blocks. Content Box and Blocks makes it possible for you to add Titles, subtitle, paragraphs, images, extras, and other types of content as it is made available. And you'll have a much better ability to fine tune the look and feel of any page.
This is a big step away from having fixed templates for your custom pages. Additionally you can now override your site's style sheet for specific blocks of text or images. You'll be able to add borders, set background colors, background images and other properties for your blocks of text.
We recommend creating a test page in your account and playing with these new features to see what they can do.
Internally, the Content Box and Blocks are making it easier for us to maintain our own website plus the customized sites that we build.
I did notice that we didn't add the new style formatting to the BLOG. I'll have to find out why!
Use the comment form to the leftto let us know what you think.No more lighters
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that all lighters will be prohibited from sterile areas of airports and onboard aircraft. This action is in response to a provision in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which was signed into law by the President on December 17, 2004. TSA Screeners will begin to enforce the ban on April 14, 2005.
For more information, please see the TSA web site at www.tsa.govWhat is this?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Welcome to our Levelfield Travel Agency Log. This is the Levelfield version of a BLOG or weBLOG. This coming month we will be activating this new feature and others on your website. (no charge)
A blog contains dated entries in chronological order starting with the most recent. They are a very popular way of posting tidbits of information.
Do a google search for blog and you'll see more than 181,000,000 references for blog.
What do people use blogs for? They use them for everything from political commentary to keeping track of Disney movies. We plan on using this one as a way to introduce you to new features, content, and suppliers as we make them available to the Online Agency system.
Book mark this page and check back regularly.Colorful Maps
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
The world is full of color and now so are our maps. We've added 4 sets of maps themed in blue, green, yellow, gray and the old standbye.
As time progresses we'll also be adding maps further down. Next, we will revamp the USA map to include all states, red or blue, landlocked or not.
So if you have a suggestion for a new map use the form to the left to submit a suggestion.
Please note that you should not submit support requests via this form. They will not be answered.