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Tip: Enhance your blog and websites. Add your photographs
Why do you need a mobile website?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, the list goes on. Everyday it seems there is a new outlet for online media. Mobile websites are part of the digital age and having one provides yet another access point for your customers to find you. There are different schools of thought as to what makes a good mobile site:
Should it be a full version of your desktop site in a scaled down format?
Should it be a synopsis of your business to provide mobile users with a peek of your business?
What features does a mobile website need to have?
These are all good questions and only you can answer then for your business. Levelfield and Online Agency have taken the approach that a mobile website should let a visitor know about your business and the services it provides and allow potential customers to contact you about your business. Cultivating potential customers is the main focus of any website and your mobile site should be able to do just that.
Levelfield and Online Agency are providing our customers with a Mobile Website Solution that covers these basics fundamentals. If you are interested in adding a mobile website your site contact us today to get started.Uploading Images, Editing Images
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Uploading Images
There are 2 ways you can upload and insert images into your page:
Using the Image Tokens that appear in the Page Layout or from the content box
Uploading images into the upload directory and inserting them into the body section.
Edit Image
The Image token allows you to add a new image, change an existing image, or remove an image from the page as it relates to the image token.
If there is an existing image it will be displayed in the Preview Area
To select a new images from images that you have already uploaded you can select an image from the list or type in the name in the Type to Find field to find it in the list.
To select one of the OLA Library Images style in the image name or a descriptive term to see if there is a match.
Select From a preset width from the Width Drop Down menu.
Select No Image to remove any images from the image token
In the Style section you can set some specific attributes that relate to this image:
Border width: this sets a border around the image.
Border Color: sets the color of the border
Horizontal Spacing: margin to the right and left of the image
Vertical Spacing: Margin above and below the image
Max Size: Sets the max size for the larges side of the image
Alignment: center, right or left align the image
CSS Class: Create a custom CSS class for manipulating images via css
CSS ID: Create a custom CSS ID for manipulating images via css
The Second way to upload images is through the Upload link in the links bar just under the main navigation tabs in your OLA / Levelfield account.
Click the upload button under the search box to pull up the upload images window
From the upload images you can them upload 10 images. From the Choose File window select time image you want to upload and click the open button:
Once you have uploaded the image it can be used under an existing image token or inserted into the body section using the Insert Edit image button. To use the insert-edit image token you will need to know the url of the image once it has been uploaded. You can get the image url by right clicking on the view link on the right side of the image listing and clicking copy shortcut:
Now in the Body Token click the Insert / Edit image icon and enter the url for the image you want to insert:
"Are travel agents making a comeback?"
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
From CNN's Travel Companion an article by Stephanie Chen posted 8/12/2009, "Are travel agents making a comeback?".
Read it here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/08/12/travel.agent.comeback/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
'I'm Sandals/Beaches Certified, How do I show my Certification on my Website?'
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
"I'm Sandals/Beaches Certified, How do I show my Certification on my Website?"
When you are affiliated and certified by Sandals and Beaches, they provide you their certified logo. Here's how you can add these logos to your website.
1. Start by logging in to your Online Agency account.
2. Enter the email address and the password you chose during registration and click "login".
3. Now that you're logged into your account, you'll be on your "Dashboard", which is your main Online Agency account page.
4. Click on the "Pages of Content" link to go to the editable version of your Home Page.
5. You will find a list of your web pages in your account in the left side and the home page edit mode on the right side. Click on the page where you want to insert the image.
6. On the right side you will find the edit mode of the page and you can find small yellow buttons labeled "Image", "Links", "Body", "Title", etc.
7. If you find an "Image" button already there in the place you want to add an image, click on it and continue from step 12 below. Otherwise, click on the "Body" button in that place.
8. It will take you to Body edit mode, where you will find a Green color button called "Convert" with a title "Content Box". Click on it.
9. It will take you to the edit mode of "Content box" where you can find a drop down list in the bottom with a default selection "Body" along with a "new" button next to it.
10. Click on the drop down button and select "image" from the list and click on the "New" button next to the dropdown. This will create a image box within the content box along with the body already there. Click the "OK" button to save your changes to the content box.
11. Now you can see a Green color box called "Box" and two yellow color button called "Body" and "image" on your web page. Click on the "image" button.
12. It will take you to the "Edit Image" page. You will have an option to select the image from the list area. Click the image name from the list area for the image you want displayed on your page. Finally you can click on the right bottom “save” button. (Or)
If the image is not uploaded in your account, you were not able to find the image name within the displayed list, so you can directly browse and upload the image in the "Edit Image" page. Here you can find the "browse" (Next to image list) link in this page click on that. Then select the image from your computer and click on the "save" button.13. When you click on the save button the image is added to your page.
Once complete you have successfully added your certification on your website!
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Look for OnlineAgency on Twitter. Check us out at http://twitter.com/OnlineAgency
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
Keywords are what users type when they are looking for a specific topic while using a Search Engine. Selecting the right keywords is critical to the success of your Search Engine optimization process. Your keywords should be closely related to your site and the products and service your Travel Agency offers. Keywords can consist of a single word or a combination of words. We recommend only going after 2 keywords per page for best results.
Before you begin optimizing your site for keywords, it is very important to determine which set of keywords you want to focus on. For instance, there are approximately 13,000 people a day searching for "cruises" but there are also more than 2 million pages competing for that term, so it's very unlikely that you'll ever be in the top ten pages listed in a search result. On the other hand, there are 51 people searching for "all inclusive wedding cruises" a day and 0 pages competing for that specific keyword. Not nearly as many searches are executed for that keyword, but there is a much greater likelihood that you'll be in the top 10 and thus get traffic - 50 people is better than 0.Even though Travel is such a competitive field, it is also one of the most keyword-rich since there are so many people searching for it every day. When choosing your keywords, make a list of specialties, suppliers, destinations, activities, etc. Even ship names for the larger cruise lines are great keywords. The trick to building your keyword set is to find keywords that are searched on enough (25+ a day) to make it worth the optimization effort and unique enough that you can be successful. You also have to have a corresponding page on your site for your keywords. (For example: If you have chosen “Carnival Conquest” as a keyword, you wouldn’t want to optimize your homepage only for the Carnival Conquest unless your entire homepage is dedicated to the Conquest. Instead, make sure you have an actual page for the Carnival Conquest and optimize it against keywords related to that ship and that cruise line.)
How do I build a promotion for a single itinerary?
12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link | | Add comment
How do I build a promotion for a single itinerary?
1. Login to the account using your "USER ID" and "PASSWORD".
2. It will take you to the "DASH BOARD" page, where you can find the link "PROMOTIONS WIZARD".
3. By selecting the "PROMOTIONS WIZARD" link a new "PROMOTIONS WIZARD" window will open. Here you can select the promotion you want to build (e.g.cruises, tours, etc.). Select the Radio button for the "SINGLE PROMOTION" and then select the "NEXT" button.
4. This will take you to the page where you can select the Supplier & Itinerary. Click on the drop down box and select the supplier you want to display.
5. When you've selected the supplier from the drop down box it will show the "ITINERARIES" you may feature in your promotion. Select the "ITINERARY" and then select the "NEXT" button.
6. By clicking the next button you will open the "PROMOTIONS TEASER BOX" where you can add Promotion Name, Description, Image and Schedule Dates for your Promotion to Display. You can also specify whether the promotion should display Only To Travel Agents and you can add a Disclaimer to your promotion. Once you complete editing process for the promotion and then select the "NEXT" button.
7. Now you can see the "DATES & PRICING" page where you can specify the date by clicking the check box. You can also add a "NEW DATE" & "PRICE". For adding a new Date select the dates from the drop down box and for Price use the input box with the dollar symbol and then click the "ADD" button. Once you complete adding Dates and Price select the "NEXT" button.
8. This will take you to the "CONTENT & PREVIEW" page where you can see the information that will be displayed on the Promotions Detail page. You can see the preview of your promotion by clicking on the link provided. Here you can include an image from our library or you can upload your own image. Then select the "NEXT" button.
9. When you've selected the next button it will take you to the "THINGS TO DO" page where you can add applicable attributes for your promotion so it can appear when your site visitors search for content. When you've selected the attributes select the "NEXT" button.
10. This will take you to the "META TAGS" page where you can assign Meta Tags for your promotion. When you've assigned the meta tags then select the "FINISH" button.
11. Go to the "PROMOTIONS CONFIRMATION" page where you can view the features of your promotions.