Chambers of Commerce
With a website built for your Chamber, Levelfield offers you a way to grow your membership and your Internet presence.
Searchable Business Directory
Your area's website will include a business directory allowing visitors to easily find local businesses and locations to visit with all of their directory information.
Mini-websites for each of Your Members
Each member can maintain their own information listed in the business directory. With the ability to add images, additional pages, blogs, calendars and more; each of your members will have their own private web space available through the visitors bureau making your website and theirs more valuable. In addition to pages built for a visitors bureau website, all of the association enhancements can be added for a one-time setup fee (per 300 members). With a standard maintenance fee per year there is no limit or fees associated with adding additional members. Add new members to your website in just 3 clicks. Your visitor's bureau can grow without costing you additional fees for updating your membership.
Member Control
As the website host you have the ability to control the members' content visible on your Bureau's website. You can also choose to "feature" certain members allowing them to build promotions to be displayed on your website. Many associations offer distinct membership levels. With Levelfield's Visitor's Bureau package you can create unlimited levels of membership with different settings. These levels of membership can control placement in searches, mini-website account functionality, and can also control the color and appearance of member listings in search results.
Support and Training
You don't have to answer your member's questions about the website. We provide free training and support for your entire membership. We'll train them how to use their Levelfield mini-website account so you don't have to.
Email Marketing
Getting the message out is a big concern for any business. Your visitor's bureau website also gives you powerful email marketing tools that make it easy for you to send colorful and informative emails to your prospective visitors and business members.
Event Calendar
Keep everyone up-to-date as to what is going on in your area. Events are all in a database where they are easily accessible and searched. The event calendar includes the ability to add events to the calendar with only a few clicks.
Drive Traffic
Search Engines look for new, updated and unique content. The more the businesses in your area become involved and add content about their goods/services to their mini-website the more traffic your area's visitor's bureau website will receive.
Track Results
Know... How many people came to your association site?
How many people requested information about your association?
How many pages were viewed on your association site?
What search engines did people use to get to find your association site?
Are your pay per click campaigns working for your association? -