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  • How do I add Links to my Website?

    12/9/2019 9:24:40 AM Link |  | Add comment

    Section 1: Login Panel and Dashboard
    1.    Go to: http://login.onlineagency.com. Enter your Email and Password to login to your account.
    2.    After you've logged in it will take you to Your Dashboard where you can find the link 'Pages of Content' under the 'Your Site' header. Click on the Pages of Content link.
    Section 2: Editing Mode of Your Web Page
    1.    Selecting the 'Pages of Content' link brings you to the Editing Mode of Your Web Page. Here you can find the Header, Navigation (Nav), Body and the Footer sections. You can add Links to all these sections.
    Section 3: Adding Links to Header, Navigation (Nav), Body and to the Footer sections
    1.    Header: To add links to the header section you need to select the yellow 'header' tab. It opens the editing mode of the header.
    Here you can find the 'Links' tab, opening this tab allows you to add links, delete, order, or reverse order of links.
    To add links in the link box use the Add Extras Toolbox where there is a field to add the links. Here you can insert the number of links you want added to the link box.
    2. To add the title of the links use the fields under the Title. To add the URL to these links select the 'Edit image' or 'URL' link on the right side under Edit.
    When you click the 'edit image' or 'URL' link it opens the editing mode where you can add:
         (a)    Link Title
         (b)    Link Description
         (c)    Image to the link
         (d)   URL: This is the page or site that the link will go to

    For one of your website pages enter the Page Title in the 'Your Pages' field and click Search. Then select the page from the list of pages in the search results.
    For an external link select the link type (usually http://) and then enter the URL in the adjacent field (don’t add the http here).
    Click the 'Next' button to continue and then click to complete adding the link.
    You can follow the same procedure to add links to other sections of your web page.


Levelfield Website Designs